Forum fans, discover in exclusivity the last news and share your favorites discussions, photos and videos to roleplaying.
A great place for Anime/Manga RPGs of any sort from Sailor Moon to Pokemon and Beyond!
This is an alternate reality Dragon Ball Z Roleplaying Forum. Here you will be able to re-create some of the most epic battles in Dragon Ball History. The twist? You are controlling the way the story ends.
A roleplay between Becken95 and FreshFail (Admins). We accept members after applications. They need to be good at writing english, and online roleplaying. If you want to join, please contact us.
Where you can be anything you wanna be.
An Original Roleplaying site Based on the Bioshock Series
Free forum : A friendly community for anime, video game, roleplaying, and manga lovers.
Free forum : A Roleplaying site based on the broadway rock opera and film RENT written by Jonathan Larson. Both Cannon and orginal characters are welcome and loved
Free forum : Discover your darkest desires under the Blue Moon
This is an alternate reality Dragon Ball Z Roleplaying Forum. Here you will be able to re-create some of the most epic battles in Dragon Ball History. The twist? You are controlling the way the story ends.
Pokemon Survivors Red(PSR) is a free roleplaying forum where you roleplay as wild pokemon in an unknown, hidden region that no human has ever set foot on. Join today! Age(s) recommended: 12+
Set 300 years after the events of the naruto anime/manga: Here you'll decide your own future and your own story.
Free forum : The site for all of your Pokemon roleplaying needs. OC are most welcome here, and we hope you join our school. Perhaps the pure of heart will meet some legendaries while you're here.
A Pokemon Roleplaying website set in the Cyx Region.